Golf Swing Types: Everything Explained!

If your golf game isn’t improving even after practicing hard and following proper golf instructions, you might need to pay attention to your golf swing style.

Most PGA teachers try to teach their personal swing style because it helps them; however, it’s not necessary that the same approach will work for you. 

Instead of practicing an unnatural golf swing, switching to other types of golf swings can be an effective solution, and today’s guide is all about the five different types of golf swings that’ll bring you back into the game. 

Let’s explore them! 

5 Different Golf Swing Types/Methods

1-Rotational-Based Swing

Credited to @TheArtofSimpleGolf

Rotational-based swing is the most common type of golf swing among professional golfers, which involves a lot of body rotation to make it happen.

To make a swing, you’ll need to turn your shoulders and rotate your hips to move the club in a circular motion. 

This allows the club to generate the maximum power and necessary speed so you can hit the ball farther. 

Rotational-based swing is most suited to senior golfers as it reduces the risk of injury. However, it isn’t recommended for beginners as it demands an athletic body to stabilize this swing. 


✅ Provides maximum power

✅ Promotes rapid ball speed

✅ Good for senior players 

✅ Reduces risk of injury


❌ Not suitable for beginners

❌ Requires maximum lower-body rotation 

2-Hands and Arms-Based Swing

As expressed by the name, this type of golf swing focuses more on your hands and arms to use various leverage points and let your body work as a stabilizing force for playing an effective shot. 

Although it’s believed that the lower body remains still and all the power is delivered by hand and arms, the reality is a bit different because you’ll need to move your body to make the required angle before hitting the golf ball. 

This type of golf swing is best for playing long distances; however, your shots can be subjected to slice or topping.

As the swing produces a high trajectory, it’s most suited to taller golfers who can easily keep their bodies in a centered position.

Here’s a detailed demonstration of hands and arms-based swing by Mark Crossfield:

Beautifully demonstrated! 


✅ Increases club head speed

✅ Produces a high trajectory

✅ Keeps your body centered during the swing

✅ Best for taller golfers


❌ Shots are susceptible to topping and slicing 

❌ Difficult to control the club head speed

3-Single Plane Swing

Single plane swing is the simplest type of golf swing which is best suited to beginner golfers who want to remove complexities from their swing style. 

Considering your body as a unit, single plane swing keeps your arms and shoulders in one plane and your right foot grounded for achieving maximum stability. 

In addition, the one-plane motion of the body generates a consistent rhythmic swing to deliver the required force and speed; however, you must be careful with positioning the golf ball to execute the desired shot.

This swing type is best for tackling slice shots and keeping the club on the plane throughout the swing. 

Want to know more about single plane swing? Hop into this YouTube Video by Golf Ascending:

Great for amateurs! 


✅ Reduced complexity 

✅ Improves stability

✅ Tackles slicing 

✅ Best for beginners


❌ Positioning the ball can be tricky sometimes. 

4-Directing the Momentum Swing

Directing the momentum swing is perfect for golfers who struggle with controlling their swing. 

Utilizing your body’s momentum to generate force, this type of golf swing offers controlled and directed motion while hitting golf balls. 

As it’s easier to control, many amateur golfers are encouraged to adopt it for boosting their skills.

Watch Mike Malaska teaching the directing the momentum swing in this YouTube video by Malaska Golf:

What’s left to say when Mike Malaska himself teaches this method?

Coming to its downside, the method produces less speed and power which limits your game to shorter distances. Furthermore, your shots can also be subjected to topping. 

However, if you need to hit a fade or slice as part of your golfing strategy, this swing style can be helpful.


✅ Provides maximum control

✅ Easy to play

✅ Best for amateur golfers


❌ Risk of topping your shots

❌ Generates less speed and power

❌ Limits your game to shorter distances

5-Separation-Based Swing 

Separation-based swing is comparatively a difficult type and can only be carried out if you’re an experienced golfer with an athletic body shape. 

The method creates a separation between the upper and lower body by moving your shoulders while maintaining your hips to produce maximum force and velocity. 

Although it’s best for hitting larger distances, the swing should be properly executed; otherwise, it can result in some bad golf and physical injuries. 

If you’re a beginner golfer, skipping this swing style would be a wise move for you. 

Watch this YouTube video by Larry Cheung to have a better understanding of separation-based swing:

That’s a hard one! 


✅ Produces maximum force and velocity

✅ Increases club head speed

✅ Best for experienced golfers


❌ Difficult to play

❌ Requires proper execution 

❌ Required maximum flexibility 

Which Swing Method Is Best for You?

The only person who gets to decide the best swing method for you is you! 

However, trying every swing style and comparing them is better than forcing one on you. 

For beginner golfers who are young enough to produce some flex through their bodies, adapting Method 3 or 4 or a combination of them would be most suitable. 

On the other hand, pros are recommended to play Method 1 or 2 as they require more experience and skill. 

For Method 5, I’d say that you should avoid it unless you don’t meet the requirements to play it.

For more insight, watch this YouTube video by More Pars Golf:

A proper demonstration of golf swings by Christina Ricci!

Frequently Asked Questions

What moves first in backswing?

The first thing that moves in backswing is your club head. 

Which type of swing is best suited to amateur golfers?

For beginners, single plane swing and directing the momentum swing are considered as most effective because they’re less complex and easily playable.

Which swing method is best to tackle slicing? 

Single plane swing keeps the club on the plane throughout the swing, which makes it perfect for tackling slice shots.


After reading this article on the different types of golf swings, I can safely say that you have enough information for choosing a golf swing method that suits you best.

You may not be able to make them all work for you, but finding one that’s comparatively better and practicing to improve on it is your gateway to success.

Happy golfing! 

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