9 Mini Golfing Tips to Step-Up your Short Game

Mini golf is a fun game unless you realize the amount of focus and effort it demands to score high. 

However, with the required skill set and some luck, you can make sure to beat the opponents in a fun way! 

Dive deep into this article to explore the 9 key tips for improving your mini-golf game. 

With me!

Tips & Tricks to Improving Your Mini Golfing Skills

1. Start With the Basics

Playing mini golf may look similar to regular golf, but that’s not the case as the course is smaller and the rules are different. 

Hitting a ball from a short distance requires proper putting skills, a firm grip on precision, and the ability to analyze each shot simultaneously. 

This can be achieved by choosing the right putter because it affects your overall performance.  

Typically, a putter size that levels with your belt is recommended for comfortability and ease of use. 

Once you’ve picked your putter, practice your short game with it every day to increase your confidence.

You can find various online mini-golf drills and instructions from PGA teachers with proper guidelines to level up your skills. 

2. Analyze the Course

Mini golf courses come with various designs and obstacle details which means that you can’t win the game using the same approach every time. 

I mean, you’ll have to play different speeds, angles, and techniques whenever you enter a new course. 

That’s why I’d recommend analyzing the course before you begin to play because it allows you to plan your strategy as you go along. 

Some golf courses also offer maps to guide you through your game, but if there isn’t one, just take an overview of the playing area and plan your way through the game. 

3. Learn From Others

While you’re playing mini golf, you can gain a competitive edge over others simply by observing their golfing style.

The technique is to pay attention to your opponent’s aim and hitting speed, seeing whether it brings them results or not.

Use this information and improvise on it to score higher points. 

This way, you’ll learn which shots to play and which not to, setting yourself one step ahead of your competition.  

4. Improve Your Stance 

Focusing on your body posture and foot stance while playing mini golf is crucial for playing a proper putting shot. 

Normally, your back should be at 40-45 degrees, while your shoulders and feet should be in a slightly wider position to make you feel relaxed and confident.

Improving your stance also helps with the assessment of ball speed and distance and visualizing the outcome of your shots prior to playing it. 

5. Use Your Imagination to Visualize the Outcome

Mini golf allows you to plan your shots carefully.

This provides you with enough time to imagine the result of every shot before even playing it. 

Plus, you can also imagine the flight and the role of a golf ball and its behavior with the putting green obstacles to help you become an experienced putter.    

Many professional golfers use this technique to play accurate putts; however, It’s not wise for you to expect the same results because it takes a lot of practice to improve your visualization capabilities.  

6. Focus on Your Ball Speed & Distance Control

Hitting your ball with a precise amount of force is key to controlling the ball’s speed.

Once you master the ball’s speed, you’ll know exactly how much force it requires to land the ball closer to the hole. 

Certain factors affecting the ball speed include putting green conditions like slopes, contours, side banking, and obstacles.

Tacking these technicalities requires the player to have considerable ball speed and distance control abilities. 

7- Improve Hand-Eye Coordination

Mini-golf players require a high degree of hand-eye coordination to hit a putt in the center of the club head and return the putter to a desired position.

Furthermore, there’s also the need to control the putter path direction and club face angle for playing a standard shot.  

Practicing mini-golf on a daily basis can help in the analysis and enhancement of hand-eye coordination without even using much skill and technique.  

8-Make a Practice Routine

Practice makes a man perfect!… and it should be a priority when you’re aiming to improve your shot game.

For that, you can start by performing various drills on a routine basis to keep your skills sharp and your body in shape.  

Here’s one from Michele Low Golf youtube channel; 

That’ll surely make a difference!  

If you have a golf course nearby, it’s a golden opportunity for you to regularly follow a practice routine. 

9- Don’t Focus on the Negative

Despite having the required skill set for playing mini-golf, many golfers are unable to perform well only because of focus on the negative. 

One of the key rules for scoring better runs in mini-golf is to stay optimistic and relaxed. 

In simple words, focus on the basic technique, and don’t take the game too seriously because you’re here to have fun!  

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of golf clubs are used for Playing Mini-Golf?

Mini golf mostly involves putting, and putters are the standard golf clubs used to play the last strokes and knock the ball into the hole. Mini-golf putters are slightly different from real putters.

Do you need specific skills for playing mini-golf? 

Although playing mini-golf requires proper putting techniques, it doesn’t require much skill. Even a non-golfer with almost zero skills can play a good 18-hole round.

Are there any disadvantages of playing mini-golf?

If you’re a professional golfer, practicing mini-golf can compromise your imagination and assessment abilities to play the right shot because of the difference in putting conditions of an actual golf course to a mini-golf course. 

Final Thoughts: How to Improve Your Mini Golf Game?

Now that you have read this conclusive guide, I can safely say that you have gathered all the information required to improve your mini-golf game.

Although it’s not a serious game, and many people play for recreational fun, it still demands effort and practice from you.   

For those who’re unable to figure out their shortcomings, seeking professional advice can be the best option.  

Happy golfing!

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